To search for a Name
- nameid (optional): Your search string. For instance \"25509881\"
- name (optional): Your search string. For instance \"poa annua\"
- commonname (optional): Your search string. For instance \"annual blue grass\"
- family (optional): Your search string. For instance \"poaceae\"
- orderby (optional): Your search string. For instance \"1\"
- sortorder (optional): Your search string. For instance \"ascending\"
- pagesize (optional): Your search string. For instance \"100\"
- startrow (optional): Your search string. For instance \"1\"
- type (optional): Type of search, \"wildcard\" will add a wildcard to the end of your search string. \"exact\" will use your search string as it appears. If you don't include a type then it will default to \"wildcard\"
- apikey (required): Your api key that was given to you
- format (required): Use the word \"xml\" or \"json\" to choose how you want your output to be formatted
Name/Search?name=poa annua&type=wildcard&apikey=D1CC4285-279D-4B5C-B469-861F4C1F4020&format=xml
Sample Response
<ScientificName>Poa annua</ScientificName>
<ScientificNameWithAuthors>Poa annua L.</ScientificNameWithAuthors>